Child care facilities
The daycare centres and nursery schools in Freiburg im Breisgau offer a wide range of childcare options with a variety of educational profiles. Simply search for the right place here!
255 Results sorted by:
Distance from the company
Day care center · private
Freiburg · Littenweiler
Mehr Raum für Kinder gemeinnützige GmbH
from 0 month until school entry
Situational Approach (Education and Orientation Plan BW)
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Day nursery · private
Hochdorf Hüpfer
Freiburg · Hochdorf
Mehr Raum für Kinder gemeinnützige GmbH
from 0 month to 3 years
Situational Approach (Education and Orientation Plan BW) · Partially open pedagogical concept
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Day care center · private
Kinderhaus Wellenreiter
Freiburg · St. Georgen
Mehr Raum für Kinder gemeinnützige GmbH
from 0 month until school entry
Situational Approach (Education and Orientation Plan BW)
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Kindergarten · private
Schulkindergarten Purzelbaum für Geistigbehinderte
Freiburg im Breisgau · Mooswald
Lebenshilfe Breisgau
from 3 years until school entry
Situational Approach (Education and Orientation Plan BW) · Inclusive
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Kindergarten · communal
Sprachheilkindergarten Bäreninsel
Freiburg im Breisgau · Wiehre
Stadt Freiburg
from 3 years until school entry
Situational Approach (Education and Orientation Plan BW)
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Kindergarten · private
Huckepack Schulkindergarten für Körperbehinderte
Freiburg im Breisgau · Zähringen
AWO Freiburg
from 2 years until school entry
Situational Approach (Education and Orientation Plan BW) · Integrative
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Day care center · communal
Haus für Kinder am Hirzberg
Freiburg · Oberau
Stadt Freiburg
from 3 years until school entry
Situational Approach (Education and Orientation Plan BW) · Open pedagogical concept · Infans concept of early education
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Day care center · communal
Freiburg · Rieselfeld
Stadt Freiburg
from 12 months until school entry
Situational Approach (Education and Orientation Plan BW) · Open pedagogical concept · Infans concept of early education
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Day care center · communal
Am Mühlbach
Freiburg · Opfingen
Stadt Freiburg
from 2.75 years until school entry
Situational Approach (Education and Orientation Plan BW) · Open pedagogical concept · Infans concept of early education · "Sprach-Kita - because language is the key to the world".
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